To Vote, Completely Fill In The Oval Next To Your Choice
- Use Only the Marking Device Provided or a Black or Blue Pen
- Review Both Sides of Your Ballot(s)
- If you Make A Mistake, You May Obtain Another Ballot
If you are a qualified registered Highlands County voter, you are entitled to a Vote-by-Mail ballot.
A Vote-by-Mail ballot may be requested for a specific election or for all elections through the end of the calendar year of the next regularly scheduled general election. The request can be made in person, by mail, fax, e-mail, online or by telephone. Only the voter or a designated member of his or her immediate family or legal guardian can request a Vote-by-Mail ballot for the voter. Immediate family means the voter's spouse or the parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling of the voter or the voter's spouse or legal guardian.
A request from the voter must include the following information:
- The name of the voter for whom the ballot is requested
- The voter's address
- The voter's date of birth, and
- The voter's signature (written request only)
- The voter's social security or driver's license number
If the voter has designated an immediate family member or legal guardian to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot, that designee must provide the above information in addition to the following:
- The requester's name
- The requester's address
- The requester's driver's license number if available
- The requester's relationship to the voter, and
- The requester's signature (written request only)
Vote-by-Mail ballots are mailed between 40 and 33 days before the election to qualified voters who have requested a ballot. Requests are honored within two (2) business days after receiving the Vote-by-Mail request. Vote-by-Mail ballots cannot be forwarded, so it is important that you provide the Elections' Office with a correct mailing address.
A qualified Vote-by-Mail voter may designate in writing for another person to pick up a Vote-by-Mail ballot on behalf of the voter. Carry out ballots are available to a designee on election day or up to five days prior to the day of the election. The designee may only pick up two (2) Vote-by-Mail ballots per election other than his or her own, except for ballots picked up for members of his or her immediate family. The designee must provide picture identification, the written authorization from the voter and complete an affidavit.
Be sure and follow ALL instructions enclosed with the ballot. The voter must personally vote the ballot (unless assistance is required due to blindness, disability, or inability to read or write). The voter must sign the return envelope! Your voted ballot must be in the Supervisor of Elections' Office located at the Highlands County Government Center, 580 South Commerce Avenue, Room A201, Sebring, by 7:00 P.M. on election day. YOUR VOTE-BY-MAIL BALLOT CAN BE DEPOSITED IN SECURE BALLOT INTAKE STATIONS LOCATED AT THE ELECTIONS' OFFICE DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS OR EARLY VOTING SITES DURING THE EARLY VOTING PERIOD.
If you request and receive a Vote-by-Mail ballot and later decide to VOTE AT THE POLLS, take your ballot with you to be canceled at your polling place.